===== Shai-Tarash "Wrong-eye" ===== [[start|]] Shai-Tarash also known simply as "Wrong-eye" is a Lizardfolk that settled into the *city* after being chased out from his tribe for being too creepy for them, Wrong-eye isn't too bothered by this as he enjoys the city life to the dreary swamp anyway. Working as a muscle for hire for various people for money to survive, and developing his sinister reputation and image, to enhance his line of work, and for his hobby. Unbeknownst to most in the *City* Wrong-eye is endlessly fascinated about humans and spends entire days observing and studying them and their history, and hopes to one day become a great sage and scholar about humans. From birth he has been touched by something "different" that has separated him from others, and this has manifested in weirdly glowing eyes and other unexplainable things around him. Wrong-eye is beginning to find out this is from latent psionic abilities, and has begun studying psionics to see if he can draw this power out. ===== Descriptions ===== Shai-Tarash "Wrong-Eye" is a massive lizardman towering over most others. His back scales are a brown color with some green edges and shine. His crest is strong green with yellow tips and edges. His under scales are a soft yellow-brown coloring of closer toward white. A savage lizardfolk would see that he has grown rather soft in claws and teeth, but he has trained hard to maintain his strength and fitness. His most defining characteristic is his eyes, that glows with a sick green color. This is a sign of his psionic abilities yet untrained. It has marked him as different from birth, and was one of the reasons he was banished from his tribe. Most people find it eerie and unnerving. He enjoys dressing up both to imitate and mock humans at the same time. His favorite clothing is a long hide duster made originally of cow, the split behind fits perfectly for his tail. It's filled with pockets, small tokens like bones and totems, a few voodoo dolls and tools always visible in the outer pockets, and several places is covered with colorful feathers. One of his most priced possessions is his cowboy hat made out of cow leather, He has adapted it to fit around some of his crest spikes on top of his head, and decorated it in all manners of colorful feathers in the band. The front of the hat band he has decorated with a *insert object here* ===== Background ===== Banished from his tribe for being "wrong" and "different". Surviving years in wilderness before he found the *city*. Settled in doing work as a bouncer and muscle for hire. Enjoyed studying humans, trying to understand their chaotic ways and reasons. Slowly discovering latent psionic abilities. ===== Attitude ===== Shai-Tarash "Wrong-Eye" usually shows of his dark and sinister side, this is a cultivated personality and a show that serves several purposes. He acts creepy and unnerving on purpose to unsettle people, will find new ways to make people nervous of his presence, makes a show of doing things humans would find disgusting or horrible. But he always stays just short of becoming too offensive, he doesn't want to get in actual trouble with the local laws, or even worse getting thrown out of the *city*. All of this serves mainly to further his self proclaimed study of humans. It gives him plenty of opportunities and situations that lets him manipulate humans into situations that lets him observe and analyze their behavior. He goes at this like a scientist, but puts on a show enjoying being sinister to cause greater effect to the study. Unbelievingly Shai-Tarash actually loves humans, and finds them to be the most interesting species he has encountered. He is fascinated by their civilization and societies, while frustrated and amazed by their constant changing emotions and actions. He considers it his hobby and calling to learn to understand the chaotic humans. His love of humans can seem weird to many, and most doesn't understand why he often manipulates and tricks them. But watching the reactions of large samples of humans, to read their emotions and try to put all these samples into the puzzle, that is his life project. He especially likes human children and will often play with them or tell them tales, or just show of some of tricks if they let him and don't run away. Opposed to what most believes he would never hurt a child, and children are about the only people safe from his tricks and mischief. The *city* is a titanic amusement park with many libraries and humans, the entire place is like a huge game that begs to be explored. It is also a researchers dream come true with everything you need, from books to study to lots of samples to experiment with and observe. He also dabbles as a hobby philosopher and loves compare humans and lizardfolk, especially towards other creatures in nature and spot fallacies in civilization. He is especially interested in the "balance of life and death", as he believes this to be an important aspect of civilization and savagery both. He loves comparing creatures to birds. His sense of humor can best be summarized as mischievous and sadistic. He enjoys tricking and setting up people for situations, and watching people grow aggravated or exasperated. He sees his growing Psionic abilities as a great puzzle, to dedicate his considerable mental capabilities towards. And they should become a really strong tool in his study of humanity. ===== Personal Goal ===== Sage of Humanity: * Studying and understanding humanity * Integrate himself into civilization in ways that lets him study humans * Manipulating society to observe the reactions and responses * Then find a way to enlighten humans and lizardfolk to new heights Master of Psionics: * Learn to use psionics * Find ways to use it toward studying Humanity ===== Relations ===== -Likes- * Birds * Humans * Children * Wine * Meat (especially cow, horse, pig, sheep, chicken, various types of fish) * Humor * Philosophy * Shocking people * Warmth * *City* -Dislikes- * Savagery (Tribals, Lizardfolk, traditions) * Stupidity (according to his definition) * Boredom (and people he deem boring) ===== Log ===== *Nothing yet* ===== Stats ===== * Name - Shai-Tarash "Wrong-eye" * Race - Lizardfolk * Class - "Humanoid 1" * Alignment - Neutral * Religion - ? * Stats - 16, 10, 14, 16, 8, 14 * Feats - Wild Talent, Multi Attack * Skills - Diplomacy, Intimidate, Ride, Perception, Knowledge -future- * Class - Psion - Telepath ----- Humanoid * Hitdice: d8 * BaB: 3/4 * Saves: One good save, usually Reflex (Fort for lizardfolk) * Skill points: 2+ level * Class skills: Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, Profession, Ride, Survival * Proficient: All Simple Weapons * Proficient: Any armor they're using in MM entry (Lizardfolk: no armor but shields) * Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep. -----