Table of Contents


Richter Renard


The Count? Oh you mean Richter! Haha he isn't so picky about the whole noble thing, you'll usually find him out training with the milita or saving a lost sheep, as often as you'll find him at his mansion. He's a good man, you won't find anyone here that doesn't say so! If you want to find him ask around the barracks and the masnion gates, they usually know.


You see a solidly built man with muscles and scars from years of fighting, his dark hair is cut short without much grey. He has a strong face, with sharp hawk like eyes, and clean shaved. He is dressed in practical clothes, but of good quality. His west and jacket is a strong blue, for the family color. He has a symbol of Helm on a chain around his neck. He stands up and looks right at you as he notices you approach.





Human Damaran Male 49 years. Best known for tracking down and defeating a cult that had kidnapped the girl he was in love with (annette) together with is Brother Julius, back when they where still young. He is a great warrior and the best in Wygol, but hot-headed and have no patience for bureaucracy. He's a good military leader growing up on stories about his father, but a poor administrator, and as such never managed to get the County out of its problems. He has a wife (Annette) and three children.

Hugh Baldwin


Oh Hugh, yeah you can find him somewhere around the barracks, usually running around trying to get things in order. Oh he's kinda the captain of the militia, and used to be Jonathan's Squire, don't remember where they picked him up though, was some town somewhere. He's a hard working lad though.


You see a youth about average height if a bit thin, he got long black hair tied up in a ponytail, his face is clean shaven, with eyes that dart around and seem to get distracted with anything. He's dressed in standard militia fares, leather armor and outdoor clothes. He wears a shortsword on his belt. When you approach he suddenly stops what he is doing and turns around quickly towards you.





Human Damaran male 22 years. Orphan from Trail's End, grew up in orphanage, until Jonathan and Adrian traveled by and Jonathan decided to bring him along as a squire, as the Renards aren't to particular about the noble part. Been serving as a Squire for almost ten years, including following Jonathan into the military training the capital, where he discovered he had absolutely no taste for the soldier life. So when Jonathan went back to the capital for officer training, he arranged to stay behind citing lack of people to help out in the village, and joined the militia, which is much more informal than the soldiering in the capital. Having learned letters and numbers together with Jonathan he got promoted to acting captain of the militia mostly because he can manage the books. Major crush on Charlotte, but too afraid to show it.

Nathan Graves


Old Nathan ? Well he usually keeps to himself in a hut under that big tree you see to the south. You wouldn't believe it but he's the counts advisor, and a powerful druid! He doesn't talk that much, but he can cure a sheep of anything that ails it.


You see an older man, he's slightly short, and seems wiry. Starting to bald, his grey hair is kept mostly short, and a close cropped beard around his face. His face is dominated by deep eye brows that makes his eyes resemble two dark caves in his face. He wears an old worn leather armor over outdoor clothes in browns and greens, with a hooded cloak on his back. He walks around with a Quarterstaff. As you approach he looks up from the plant he is studying, raises and eyebrow and asks “Yes?”





Human Chondatan male 56 years. No one in Wygol knows about his past, only that the druids sometimes change their ambassador every five years, and old Nathan has had the duty on and off a few times. He doesn't talk much about himself or the druids, but he often wander around helping farmers out and teaching them tricks on how to handle animals or get specific plants to grow. On the counts council he makes certain that the old agreements are upheld, but doesn't get much in the way otherwise. He was the druid responsible for teaching Adrian in the way of the land. No one, possibly except Adrian and Julius, knows if he has a family.



Nikolai? He's the town mayor, and something of a historian about the place. He always has time to talk if you got any questions about the village or its history, not that much that needs doing in town. You can usually find him around the stores at day time.


You see an old man with gray thinning hair and a long beard, despite gnarled hands that bear sign of work, he looks more like the bookish type. He is dressed in a well worn but fine suit of older design, on a chain around his neck hangs the symbol of Helm . He's smiling while he's waving and greeting everyone that passes by.





Human Damarian Male 70 years. Wandered into the village so long ago that no one remembers when, and liked the place enough that he settled down. He has picked up every bit he could find about the history of the area, the Renards, and the land around them, and has written it down in several tomes. He is a minor priest of Helm, but functions more as a clerk or administrator, and became the Mayor by virtue of being considered the wisest and best liked person in the town. He cares about the village and everyone in it as if they where his own family. Widowed with no children.



Oh Jacob, he runs the store, yeah only one in town can't miss it. He is fair though.


You see a middle aged man with short dark brown hair that's starting to grey, clean shaved and a broad chin. He's wearing rough clothes meant for working, but they're clean and new, with a good jacket on top. As he sees you, he nods at you, and walks behind the counter.





Human Damaran male 48 years. Grown up in the village, apprenticed to a traveling merchant and traveled around the kingdom, before returning and settling down while still a young man to make his own store. He hasn't been away from the village since, and hasn't kept up with what happened elsewhere, save keep contact with a couple of merchants from his traveling days. He has a wife, and two grown sons that work on farms outside the village proper.



Eugen? He's the villages smith and carpenter. He doesn't say much though and looks scary, but he's a decent guy. You can usually find him somewhere around the barracks, fixing stuff the farmers and militia breaks.


You see a tall and strong middle age man, that has obviously spent his entire life working. His head is bald, with short brown/grey hair in a crown around his ears and back, beard shaved to a stub. His face seems like it's carved out of stone and doesn't seem like it is used to show much expression. He's wearing worn out working slops, with a small amulet to Helm around his neck. He noticed you approach, looks up and makes a grunt before continuing with what he was doing.





Human Chondatan male 50 years. Used to be a traveling worker, until he ran afoul of goblins and barely made it out alive, Nikolai found him and brought him back to Wygol and treated his wounds. He stayed ever since, saying little, but doing much. No family.