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GW2 Stats redesign


Because I hate the current design, and how useless half the stats are, and how rock/scissor/paper they work.

Instead each stat should give you uses and bonuses for multiple situations and play styles.



Numbers would need to be crunched and adjusted, and this probably would require a lot of redesign in the game, items, traits, classes etc.


This idea would make a physical damage build require only 2 stats (Damage+Critical), thus the third stat is optional if you want to go defensive, party support, or mix into condition damage etc.

This would make a condition build want to have at least 2 stats (Malice+Support for the condi duration which also gives boon duration), the boon duration will actually help this stay a attrition type of gameplay. And you can pick a third stat for defensive, pick up critical for using traits and sigils that triggers on crits.

If you want to go tanky you have several options from Defense+Health for the traditional bunker style, to mixing in Support for hte boon duration and also helping the team. If you go all 3 you will hit like a wet noodle so most will mix in at least one of the damage stats. Damage for the traditional soldier style, or Malice for the Dire style.

Example Tri-Stats