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GW2 Trait Fix



Why I still dislike the “new” trait system we got 23.06.15 and how I think the current system could learn from the old 2012-2015 system.

The “old” system, from before the Pre-HoT patch: (Specifically talking about the system before 23.06.15, there has been changes to it over the years before that)

One of the key differences here is that the old system allowed you to easily dip into the lower rank traits early on, and change them out to try new ones. Where the new system strongly encourages you to double down on a single trait-line, and spend all your resources (HP) into that. This strongly discourages experimentation until you're effectively level 80.


And example on how the current system encourages you to level, using Guardian as an example.

Note: I don't know which level you get enough HP to unlock this, since I can't find find a good source about how many HP you get on each level up reward. And different skill unlocks require different amounts of HP.

Essentially you'll be leveing quite while until you have enough HP to unlock a complete trait-line. I'd guess at around level 35 or so. Assuming you don't pick up any Hero Challenges etc.

So you'll be saving up and spending all your HP on unlocking 1 set of skills and 1 trait-line just to have something to fill each spot with.

At 45 you unlock the second trait-line, and this more or less repeats, though it goes faster since you start getting more HP in average for levels. Guessing at around level 47 (again if not using any Hero Challenges).

After that, it opens up more, as you start getting enough HP from the levels to unlock more trait lines faster, and by the time you hit 71, you'll likely have everything but 1 trait-line left to unlock. At which point you finally have the variety that you can being to experiment. But at that point, most will just rush to 80 and be done with it, and thus save the experimentation until then.


How I want the new system to change

This means, that at level 21 you'd get your first trait line. You can now learn the first minor trait of any of the 5 core trait lines by spending the amount of HP. And then equip that line. Then at level 25 you get trait line 2, and can do the same, and at level 30 the 3rd one.

You now have 3 trait lines, each locked to the first minor trait (1/6).

Then say at level 35, the next tier unlocks, you can now unlock and equip the t2 traits, the first major ones (2/6).

Repeat this up to level 60, where you get the full 6 tiers for all 3 trait lines.


What this would accomplish

Opening up trait-lines for more general use earlier. Let players experiment and try out multiple lines with cheap entry point costs. Making it viable to try out 2-3 or even all 5 trait lines early on. And change them around to test/try things.

Would also give the leveling a little more relevant stuff to hand out through the leveling experience. Unlike now, where it just feels empty after level 30, except for level 45, 71 and 80 for trait lines and being done.

Other Stuff

Other irrelevant stuff: