Table of Contents



Trying to gather up both basic controls, the various ways we list/write them for easier compare, and some more extended tricks and quirks.


This setup uses the Numeric Pad from the keyboard as a reference. So 1 = down and left, and 2 = down. It's the easiest way to explain directions and diagonals when explaining moves.

Most fighting games uses 6 or so buttons for all the different attacks, OMF instead uses 2 but in combination with different directions to create a similar amount of attacks. As such Punch button will have 7 different normal attacks, 3 standing, 3 crouching, and 1 jumping punch attack. And Kick have the same amount.

Blocking is done by moving away from the enemy, and you can block high or low. High blocks against jump attacks and standing attacks, while low blocks against standing and low attacks. High block is just holding button to walk backwards, blocking low is diagonal backward and down.

Low attacks are in most cases crouching kick attacks, but not crouching punches. Though this can depend on the robot.

Throws can be used when close and can break all blocks, to throw stand close to the enemy and use forward and punch.


The basic movement and the numbers/letters I'll use for them through this wiki:

Direction facing right:
Jump 7 8 9 Jump J
Stand 4 5 6 Punch P
Crouch 1 2 6 Kick K

This is a comparision between the designations I'll use and other popular ones used in other places and guides:

# A Name
1P dbp Crouching Fierce
2P dp Crouching Strong
3P dfp Crouching Jab
4P bp Standing Fierce
5P p Standing Strong
6P fp Standing Jab
JP jp Jumping Punch
1K dbk Sweep Kick
2K dk Crouching Medium Kick
3K dfk Crouching Light Kick
4K bk Roundhouse Kick
5K k Standing Kick
6K fk Standing Light Kick
JK jk Jumping Kick
TH th Throw
