Welcome to the OMF2097 Wiki

I guess I should add some welcoming notes, or whatever. Basically this is a wiki for the game One Must Fall 2097, you probably guessed that, but it never hurts to add some bacon on top of the sausage. I don't know if anyone really cares about this any-longer, or if the interest is gone etc, but I still enjoy doing this, so I guess I'll stick to it. I still enjoy finding new information about this game, and try to gather up all those small details people got stuck in their heads, but never wrote down before.

This wiki has also mostly replaced my old website, simply because it is much easier to manage and deal with this, than old html pages. Feels so much freer to just go in and edit pages directly instead of editing html pages and saving then uploading and so on. That, and I've learned to really love the wiki codes, makes life so much easier than html/css.

If you want to help, just tell me. Any kinda help is welcome, information, data, cleaning up pages, spelling and sentence structure, whatever you want really. Just tell me, as I need to setup the accounts manually, since those stupid bots kept registering accounts, so I had to shut down the automatic registration.

Uhhh, I think thats it. Have fun! Or flee in terror, whichever suits you best.


- Jon Eirik
