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OMF 2097 Files


List of the type of files the game uses, and which ones are known to do something and what.

Example .PSM is music files, add more information on those.



The .AF files are the actual robot files, one for each robot. More information about .AF format in the AF-DeCompilers, or on the File Formats page.

Filename Description Jaguar Shadow Thorn Pyros Electra Katana Shredder Flail Gargoyle Chronoss Nova

Div 1

Filename Description


The .BK files are general purpose animation sequences taking the roles of in-game movie sequences or equivalent. Examples of these are the ending scenes when you win a tournament, or the ending scenes after completing one player.

Filename Description
arena0.bk Stadium Arena
arena1.bk Danger Room Arena
arena2.bk Power Plant Arena
arena3.bk Fire Pit Arena
arena4.bk Desert Arena
credits.bk End credit rolls
end.bk One Player Ending part 1 ?
end1.bk One Player Ending part 2 ?
end2.bk One Player Ending part 3 ?
intro.bk Opening intro with flashing lightning and thunder and the OMF logo
katushai.bk Katushai Challenge Tournament Ending (Power Plant Victory Pose)
main.bk Main menus
mechlab.bk Tournament Mode main menu
melee.bk One/Two Player selection screen
newsroom.bk News reporter from after the fights
north_am.bk North American Open Tournament Ending (Hangar)
vs.bk The Repair screen after a game in Tournament Mode, and the Trash-talk screens before combat
war.bk War Invitational Tournament Ending (Flag)
world.bk World Championship Tournament Ending (Statue)

Div 2

Filename Description
setup.cfg Config file for Setup.exe
*.chr All your characters in Tournament Mode gets saved as CHARNAME.CHR files, example a character named “raptor” would be named “RAPTOR.CHR”


The .DAT files are generic data files, and contains a good amount of different types of information.

Filename Description
sounds.dat All the sounds in the entire game are inside this file. The file is a slightly compressed .wav file, and can be played in several players which will play every sound after each-other in one long list
random.dat Seeds for random number generation
charsmal.dat Small font
scores.dat High scores
master.dat This file contains more or less the entire game itself, the FILE0001.EXE files loads this file with DOS4GW.EXE
graphchr.dat Large font
english.dat Every single piece of text in the game in English
german.dat Every single piece of text in the game in German
altpals.dat Alternative color palettes


Filename Description


The .EXE files are the Executable files, aka the ones that actually runs and starts programs.

Filename Description
setup.exe Setup lets you change sound options and language, etc
omf.exe This is the main startup file, that opens up a menu
order.exe Displays Ordering Information on how to buy things from Epic MegaGames etc
dos4gw.exe This file is used by OMF to handle memory, never used by players
helpme.exe Opens up a Help-Me screen that lets you read on stuff
file0001.exe This is the actual program for OMF, and the one that starts the game

Div 3

Filename Description
omf.ico Windows Icon
soundcrd.inf Tells OMF which sound driver to load
mdrv000r.mus Line Processing Routines (Unknown purpose)
mdrv001r.mus NoSound driver, mostly placeholder
mdrv003r.mus Gravis Ultrasound driver
mdrv004r.mus Soundblaster driver. Setup will alter this driver to match the bitrate and model you select
mdrv005r.mus Pro Audio Spectrum driver
setup.ini Language file for the SETUP program Language file for the NETTERM program
netepic.pcx Image file used for NetArena
netfont1.pcx Image file used for NetArena
netfont2.pcx Image file used for NetArena
netset.pcx Image file used for NetArena
netarena.pcx Image file used for NetArena
netmega.pcx Image file used for NetArena


The .PIC files are specific lists of image files with some extra data on each. This is used for tournaments and player pictures.

Filename Description
katushai.pic Portrait Pictures for Tournament Katushai Challenge
north_am.pic Portrait Pictures for Tournament North American Open
players.pic Contains the Portrait Pictures available for selection when making new character in Tournament Mode
war.pic Portrait Pictures for Tournament WAR Invitational
world.pic Portrait Pictures for Tournament World Championship


The .PSM format is music files. They where created in Scream Tracker, and are essentially slightly modified .S3M files for those familiar with Module Trackers and formats. Some players like ModPlug Player can play these files, and there was an old converter program that could convert a couple of Module formats including S3M into PSM, but not back.

Filename Description
arena0.psm Stadium
arena1.psm Danger Room
arena2.psm Power Plant
arena3.psm Fire Pit
arena4.psm Desert
end.psm End
menu.psm Title

Div 4

The .REC format are recordings made by the game (by use of command line parameters to activate), that records one fight in its entirety for later replaying.

The .TRN format is the Tournament files proper, they contain the opponents, requirements, AI adjustments, and all other things related to the tournament with the exception of what is included in the .PIC files (picture and gender).

Filename Description
last.rec Default name for last recording
katushai.trn Katushai Challenge Tournament
north_am.trn North American Open Tournament
war.trn WAR Invitational Tournament
world.trn World Championship Tournament
modems.txt Various information on setting up modem strins for Modem-to-Modem play. Vintage
omf2097/files.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/08 12:32 by aokmaniac13