===== Themara ===== [[start|]] human cleric female, from other place, profession sailor, fell in love with wandering priest of pharaonic pantheon, converted after being enthralled by the story of Osiris and Isis, then the wandering priest went away, and she is left heartbroken. She has kept the religion and somewhat childishly hopes to meet the priest again and happily ever after, but that looks bleak. Went on combined pilgrimage, vacation, and a "lets find out what I should do in my life" travel to the desert isles, and sort of decided to take it as it comes. After all what could go wrong, its a great place with hot weather and sun, and lots of interesting people and new places to see, and such a great religion. ==== Background: ==== * Child of family of sailors and dock workers * Met and fell in love with a wandering priest of Osiris * The priest told the story of Isis saving Osiris, and Themara converted * The priest leaves back for his lands, leaving Themara heartbroken * Manages to learn some basics of becoming a priest * Feels abandoned and helpless in old home * Takes hire on a ship to the Pharao Islands ==== Personality: ==== * happy/positive * whimsical * kind * sometimes naive about peoples intentions * believes that everyone wants a happy world where everyone gets along * gets depressed by cruelty and viciousness * Wants to enjoy life, explore, party, meet new people * Is still rooting for her old flame, but can't admit it * enjoys water/sea/ships * Is a bit girly and likes fine clothes and dresses, and has a weakness for pink she is a bit embarrassed about * loves heroic love stories, especially the story of Isis and Osiris, which is what made her convert in the first place ==== Religion: ==== * Pharaonic Pantheon * Primarly Isis and Hathor * Hathor: because of the value of living life * Isis: because she loves the romantic story of her bringing back her love Osiris ==== Motivation: ==== * Exploration/travel/vacation/excitement * Fun/party/meeting new people/possibly finding love (in one way or another) * pilgrimage, learning more of the gods, seeing their world and worship * finding her own place in life ===== Sheet: ===== * Human * Female * Cleric (UA:Variant: Smite) * Alignment: Neutral Good * Religion: Pharaonic Pantheon (Mainly Isis and Hathor) * Domains: Travel, Sun ? Community ? ==== Stats: ==== | Str | 14 | | Dex | 10 | | Con | 14 | | Int | 10 | | Wia | 15 | | Cha | 12 | ==== Traits: ==== ==== Flaws: ==== ==== Feats: ==== ==== Skills: ====