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Noj MacHorne


Human, Gifted, Priest of Morrow, Warcaster


You wear a huge plate armor, with several holy symbols of Morrow, and even though you cover large parts of the armor with a white robe/cloth in typical religious warrior style, the smoke stack and miniature steam-engine on the back is visible enough that most people will recognize it as warcaster armor. You got a mace hanging at your waist, and a shield strapped to the back, painted white with the sign of Morrow. At first glance many mistake you for a knight, which you take as a compliment. You prefer to keep the helmet off, as you like the feel of fresh air and unimpeded vision to see the world.

You appear as a young man, a bit on the tall side perhaps, bearing signs of a life of work. Blond bushy hair that never quite settles down right, and always pokes something out in the wrong place, brown-grey eyes that looks at everything with a calm but interested manner (that some people find relaxing, and others find highly irritating in the “know it all” fashion).

Your backpack is light, having mostly your holy texts, books, a small diary that you occasionally remember to write some important stuff in, some writing tools, bedroll, a few tools, and a sewing kit.


Nikolai “Noj” MacHorne was born into a family of textile merchants in the rough parts of Ord, having two sisters, one older and one younger. The nickname “Noj” came to being the first time you learned to talk and tried to say your own name, and said noj instead of Nikolai, and the family has been teasing you with it ever after until the nickname just stuck. The older sister ran away from home in her teens to go adventure instead of working with the needle. You didn't have much talent with the family craft either, so when you showed a head for numbers and reading your parents sent you to a church for education, since they didn't have the money to pay for a proper school.

At the Cathedral of Morrow in town, you where put under tutelage and service of Father Joseph Thirsk, an scholarly priest who taught you numbers and writing and you came to greatly respect him. He also taught you about Morrow and the philosophy of bettering one self through good deeds. He was also the one to discovered your gift, and recognized it for the Focuser talent. Your life goals changed from managing accounts for your family, to find yourself a place to do something for the world in the name of Morrow.

Upon becoming a fresh Acolyte your teacher had prepared an old relic of the temple, a WarCaster armor that had belonged to a Knight named Greyghor Tahlas that died 130 years earlier defending the Cathedral, an ardent follower of ascendant Solovin. Father Joseph had you train for another year to learn to make use of the armor and your WarCaster talents as well, while fitting the armor perfectly to you. Once the year was finished he told you to go on a pilgrimage to discover Morrow's word in the world, and to honor Knight Tahlas by dedicating yourself to the teachings of Solovin.

You have traveled through several towns in Ord and Cygnar, and even crossed the borders to Lhael and Khador. You have offered what services you can as a priest where they have been wanted, and offered your skills with needle and pen when you've needed some coins for food and shelter. Always looking forward to the next town or village, always enjoying the light of Morrow in every new persons eyes.


You live for the experience, after all one must experience many things in life to build up the wisdom needed to serve Morrow as a proper priest. After years in the Cathedral everything you see is new, every person unique, and every place is exciting in its own way. You realize you're still young and untried, and you're a little bit worried by all the new perspectives you've gained after your training as an acolyte, spending most of your teenage years in a church has probably made you very naive and some “odd” perspectives, so you try to be quiet and fall back into the Priest routine when you feel insecure until you can figure out more about yourself and this strange world.

You have a clear view of what you think is right and wrong, and you hate it when/if that gets muddied, you want to stand up for what you believe and been taught even if that is not always easy. Following the teaching of Solovin you try to help and heal anyone hurt no matter their alliances, while also standing up to protect others that need it. This is not always as easy as the stories make it seem, and you often question your own faith and bravery, and hate yourself for it.

Years of training as an acolyte has taught you to be polite and courteous in speech and behaviour, you've found this to be a clever way of dealing with other people, it creates an aura of respect and deference to your priestly presence, sets most aggressive people back on their feet trying to figure out why you're so calm, and most people respond positive to a well behaved and polite young man. You can also play on your innocent looks by throwing a benign smile and eyes, it seems to melt all the older people, but doesn't work very well on girls of the same age unfortunately.

Personal Goals

In the broad long term you are trying to become worldy enough to have gained enough wisdom that you can be worthy of becoming a proper priest, to better help others, teach them things and be of use to the town where you eventually settles down. In the shorter term it is mostly to find out where to stay for the night, how to afford some food, share some with the local temple, and wondering where tomorrow will bring you. On the other hand, it would be nice to also find a nice girl one day… like that wonderful girl you met back in Corvis.


  1. Session 1 First session I played in, the big harbor alley fight.
  2. Session 2 Couldn't come to this session, so my character was just “lying sick”. WIP
  3. Session 3 Crawling through a catacomb with Cyriss cultists, and murderous Captains.
  4. Session 4 Escape from the island of Cyriss, and the shocking Captain.
  5. Session 5 Sea boarding, and the arrest of the Trollkin. WIP/END

Spell Effects

(All effects appears as translucent yellow light, all appearances show the symbol of Morrow)


Things I got to remember to ask the GM to clarify for me.

  1. What town did we start in
  2. Name of the priest of Menoth
  3. The dates for the sessions
  4. Postal services
  5. Name of Boatswain
  6. Name of Priest of Morrow on Island
  7. Pirate code on ship
