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Adrian Renard, Count


Adrian is the second son of the Renard family, a noble family of the northern kingdom. The land used to be a wilderness before his family tamed it off old, and rid it of undeads and monsters. The family have a long tradition of warriors fighting for the land and commoners. Because of an agreement with a Circle of Druids inside their land, one of the children of the family must train with the druids to link the family to the land, and earn the further respect and cooperation of the druids. Since Adrian is not the heir, he was given this task, something he takes very serious as it is to help both his family and the commoners to live properly with the land. He has just finished all his training with the druids, and has been sent out for a years test by trial, to travel the world and help natures cause wherever needed.

He is a serious, polite and diligent person, that expects the same of others. He can come off as arrogant and stubborn due to his upbringing as a noble, as he expects to be listened to and respected. He believes full heartedly that nature, commoner and noble can live together in a perfect synergy harmony.


Adrian is a tall young man slightly on the thin side. His face is sun tanned, with his very light blonde, almost white, hair at half length. Heavy eyebrows which creates a permanent scowl and a strong chin with a short beard dominates his face. His hair and beard appears unkempt and wild when out in the wilderness, but is trimmed and styled when given the opportunity.

When out adventuring he uses studded leather armor colored black, with his cape, black with red inside and the family insignia on the clasp. He has adapter a black explorers outfit with pieces from a black courtiers outfit, it retains most most the use of the explorers outfit, but he uses a courtier style west on top of the armor, that resembles the old suits he likes. He both enjoys the more noble look it gives, as well as believes that it is a nobles duty to uphold a standard of image. He always wears his walking cane that also doubles as a club.


The Renard family was originally soliders and mercenaries come to the newly founded land of Damara, and after saving one of the nobles from a monster ambush out in the wilderness, Trevor Renard was rewarded by being made a Count and given a Fief of one of the wildest areas near the Giantspires and Rawlinwood. After several generations the land is mostly tamed, a small village named Wygol is the center of the Fief on the only farmable area, and made an agreement with the druids.

As part of the pact with the Druids, each generation one member of the Renard family must train and become a servant of the land, to bind the family to the lands themselves. As the second son this falls on Adrian just as it fell on his uncle in the previous generation.

The current members of the family is the Count Richter Renard, his Wife Annette, brother Julius, and three children: Jonathan, Adrian and Charlotte. Generally only the ruling count uses and is referred to by the title. The title Count goes to all children of a ruling Count, thus all three children have the rank, but only Jonathan's children will get the title in next generation.


  • Helm (LN)
  • Lathander (NG)
  • Silvanus (N)

Adrian follows and respects multiple deities. His family follows Helm and it is Adrians main deity. The village and community he comes from worships Lathander, and as such the Renard family is familiar with and respects that religion, even encourage it. Lastly as part of the Oath-sworn to the Druids Adrian also follows Silvanus the god of nature. This can get a little conflicting at times, but generally the dogma of Helm encourages him to be dutiful, and because of his oath they usually agree with each others.

5E: Background Noble


  • Despite my Noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood. (6)
  • Polite: Believes that politeness is one of the corner stones to civilization.
  • Serious: Family trait, if something has to be done it shall be done now and no messing around.
  • Standards: Enjoys high standard food, wine, comfy warm beds, baths, dresses, looking good etc.


  • Family: The family is the core of the society and your heart and home. (5)
  • Duty: Responsibility is the proof of a honorable man, live up to your expectations.
  • Harmony: Believes in a perfect state where nature, commoners and nobility can live and work together in perfect harmony, where everyone does their share, and coexist happily.


  • Nothing is more important than the other members of my family (3)
  • Oath-sworn: My oath to serve the Druidic circle and uphold my families alliance and honor.


  • I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy. (asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated) (H3)
  • I obey the law, even if the law causes misery. (S5)



Damara FRCS106

Make Wygol a village near the north of Rawlinswood, closest civilization would be Tellerth.
About the Long Road's entry into the Giantspire mountains
This gives us cold tundra, forest, mountains, hills, and even close enough access to rivers.
Damara is a monarchy with noble families, and history of strife from monsters from vaasa
Narfell got lots of ruins and old lairs, probably have some magic monsters
Giantspires: Bugbears, hill giants, hobgoblins, ogres, stone giants
Galena Mountins: Dwarves, Giants, Goblins
Icelace Lake: Dire Bears
joneirik/rpg/adrianfr.txt · Last modified: 2016/11/16 09:51 by