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Bahzell Mika-oba Tamanak


In the far reaches of the north, tribes of barbarians live a nomadic lifestyle in spite of the harsh nature and climate. Wind, snow, storms, steppes, desolate mountains, freezing cold rivers and the multitude of dangerous wildlife are only some of the hazards the Northerners must endure, and their society reflects this. The strong, swift and tough leads these people and create the ideals for everyone to follow. Traditions rich with measures of strength, from ritualistic combats, duels over honor, women or pride, hunts against mighty beasts or just to provide for the clans. Respect and admiration is reserved for those that take it with their own strength or cunning.

In a place like this, in a small clan traveling the tundras, a boy grew up into a young man. Bahzell Mika-oba Tamanak grew up into a promising member of the clan, both strong and fit. Unfortunately his cleverness combined with his utter lack of respect for traditions for traditions sake, with a desire to find ways to do things better than they already are, got him into trouble quickly, and lots of it.

As all children of the clans do, Bahzell helped out at various jobs in the clan to find something he liked, in addition to the usual huntings and such that everyone was obligated to do. Bahzell always ended up helping the old merchant that occasionally traded with outsiders and foreigners, enjoying the chance to see new things and learn about other places, also learning about how other did things differently than the clans did things. The big favorite remained picture books and books with drawings in them, and the store keeper eventually taught young Bahzell to read and write a bit, and Bahzell enjoyed reading all the books that went through the store.

He learned about new herbs that the midwives didn't know about and helped a horse recover from a indigestion, but the midwives was angry at him for believing in southerner tales and told him he was just lucky. Another book mentioned a different way to make a tent, and he tried it out, it was certainly more comfortable and solid, well it would be if he constructed it well enough at least, but it would be much harder to carry around so the others laughed at him and the idea. Some of the traps he learned from another book was welcome among the hunters, but used to much expensive materials that they didn't want to waste on a mere trap. The Clan Chief knocked Bahzell over when he suggested trying a new saddle design, and got told that they had no need for a new saddle since the one they had worked perfectly well enough. He tried to make a small weaving machine to try making a blanket with it to compare quality, but failed to make it, and when he asked the carpenters they yelled at him for wasting precious materials. Spear designs was rejected, crossbows that would make hunting easier was rejected, simple wagons or sleds that could hold more packings when moving was rejected.

Tradition, and it's iron grip on the clans society was starting to become Bahzell's personal demon. Every time he tried to do something to help the clan or better the living standards, they ignored him, yelled at him or even a couple of times close to beat him up. Bahzell in turn responded by digging himself deeper into the books. One day the old merchant bought a bundle of things from a hunter that had found the corpses from a dead adventuring band, including was several books and Bahzell was jumping right into them. These where various spell-books and other papers on magical topics, so naturally he didn't understand them, but he enjoyed allot of the illustrations and runes. One of the books however was a book on magic basics for beginners.

After a couple of years, Bahzell was definitively among the least liked people in the clan. several burned tents, spooked animals, accusations of witchcraft, ruined or destroyed several various amounts of things from weapons, to cooking materials all over the camp. But he had finally learned and mastered enough of the magic to start learning and using the simplest of the spells from the spell-book he had acquired. And he started using these for everything he could. But this only infuriated the other clan members further. He found spells that could help him with several things, like one that made him never miss when hunting with bow, one that let him run fast enough to keep up with horses and outrun anyone in the clan, spells that made him stronger and could lift huge boulders and hold down anyone in the clan, requiring no torch for light, using magic for several chores everyone else had to do by hand etc. The more he tried to use magic to find better ways to do things, the more the clan members got irritated and angry at him for fighting against traditions.

Inevitably, after defeating the Chief in several contests with the use of magic, Bahzell was kicked out of the clan, with accusations of mocking and attempting to ruin their very culture and traditions. Bitter and feeling betrayed for such a reward for trying to help and improve everyones lives, Bahzell decided to travel south, to learn of more magic, to find new and better ways, and to learn as much as he can, to one day return and show the clan the error of their ways, to show them that new things can make wonders, and to prove that despite whatever they told him, that he is the greatest Barbarian to ever have walked out of the clan.


Background: Grew up in one of the northern barbarian tribes/clans. Gifted in hunting, combat, and most other mundane tasks in a nomadic tribe, he preferred the work of a merchant due to the availability of foreign and exciting new things. There he eventually picked up some magical books, and in his curiosity ended up learning to use magic, and got himself kicked out of the tribe for breaking traditions.

Appearance: A young man of the north, he follows most of the standard northerner barbarian tribes looks, tall and broad, with fair skin, blue eyes, dark blond hair/beard, grown up living in the wilderness for years he looks rugged and strong. A strong jawline and small thin eyes with a stout nose reinforces the general appearance of thuggish. recognizable marks: A scar that runs from his left earlob down 5cm down his chin toward his mouth, the ear lost a bit of its earlob and looks deformed, and the scar along the jaw doesn't grow beard. Also a tattoo on the back of his hands, resembling a wolf's paws. Usually goes dressed in leather armors, worn out travelling boots, heavy fur cloak, and worn out clothings of rough material suited for wilderness, but strewn with pockets and small bags and harnesses ot hang things on. Generally looks like something wandering out from the wilderness withouth having seen civilisation in a few weeks.

Personality: Clever, intuitive, curious, direct, honest. Though fairly short sighted, difficult understanding others views and opinions, problems with traditions and customs as well as anything that doesn't seem logical or practical for him. Doesn't care overly much about the moral aspect of things. His driving motivations are to learn new knowledge and magic, find practical ways to implement them to help people or society. To prove that customs and traditions can chain a people up in the past, withouth improving or advancing themselves to their true potentional. And that a true barbarian cares more for the welfare of his people than to bind himself from giving everything.

Religion: Not really worshipping any gods or phanteons, many of the nomadic tribes worships animal spirits, Bahzell primarly worships the spirits of Bear (independence, strength, patience), Wolf (teamwork, hunt, endurance), and Raven (trickery, cunning, knowledge).


  • Human
  • True Neutral
  • Barbarian 1 / Wizard 9
  • Specialist: Transmutation
  • Opposed: Necromancy + Enchantment
  • Special: Traded away Familiar and meta magic feats for one step better BAB progression (cleric)

Primary roles: Party buffer, One man super buffed wrecking machine, problem solver, crowd control

Death: In a total party wipe, last man standing.

joneirik/rpg/bahzell.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/14 15:19 by